
Geragai graben is located in the South Sumatera Basin. It was formed by mega sequence tectonic process with various stratigraphic sequence from land and marine sedimentation. One of the overpressure indication zones in the Geragai graben is in the Gumai Formation, where the sedimentation is dominated by fine grained sand and shale with low porosity and permeability. The aim of the study is to localize the overpressure zone and to analyze the overpressure mechanism on the Gumai Formation. The Eaton method was used to determine pore pressure value using wireline log data, pressure data (RFT/FIT), and well report. The significant reversal of sonic and porosity log is indicating an overpressure presence. The cross-plot analysis of velocity vs density and fluid type data from well reports were used to analyze the causes of overpressure in the Gumai Formation. The overpressure in Gumai Formation of Geragai graben is divided into two zones, they are in the upper level and lower level of the Gumai Formation. Low overpressure have occurred in the Upper Gumai Formation and mild overpressure on the Lower Gumai Formation. Based on the analyzed data, it could be predicted, that the overpressure mechanism in the Upper Gumai Formation might have been caused by a hydrocarbon buoyancy, whereas in the Lower Gumai Formation, might have been caused by disequilibrium compaction as a result of massive shale sequence.

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