
Organic contaminants with lower Hammett constants are typically more prone to being attacked by reactive oxygen species (ROS) in advanced oxidation processes (AOPs). However, the interactions of an organic contaminant with catalytic centers and participating ROS are complex and lack an in-depth understanding. In this work, we observed an abnormal phenomenon in AOPs that the degradation of electron-rich phenolics, such as 4-methoxyphenol, acetaminophen, and 4-presol, was unexpectedly slower than electron-deficient phenolics in a Mn(II)/nitrilotriacetic acid/peroxymonosulfate (Mn(II)/NTA/PMS) system. The established quantitative structure-activity relationship revealed a volcano-type dependence of the degradation rates on the Hammett constants of pollutants. Leveraging substantial analytical techniques and modeling analysis, we concluded that the electron-rich phenolics would inhibit the generation of both primary (Mn(III)NTA) and secondary (Mn(V)NTA) high-valent manganese species through complexation and competition effects. Specifically, the electron-rich phenolics would form a hydrogen bond with Mn(II)/NTA/PMS through outer-sphere interactions, thereby reducing the electrophilic reactivity of PMS to accept the electron transfer from Mn(II)NTA, and slowing down the generation of reactive Mn(III)NTA. Furthermore, the generated Mn(III)NTA is more inclined to react with electron-rich phenolics than PMS due to their higher reaction rate constants (8314 ± 440, 6372 ± 146, and 6919 ± 31 M-1 s-1 for 4-methoxyphenol, acetaminophen, and 4-presol, respectively, as compared with 671 M-1 s-1 for PMS). Consequently, the two-stage inhibition impeded the generation of Mn(V)NTA. In contrast, the complexation and competition effects are insignificant for electron-deficient phenolics, leading to declined reaction rates when the Hammett constants of pollutants increase. For practical applications, such complexation and competition effects would cause the degradation of electron-rich phenolics to be more susceptible to water matrixes, whereas the degradation of electron-deficient phenolics remains largely unaffected. Overall, this study elucidated the intricate interaction mechanisms between contaminants and reactive metal species at both the electronic and kinetic levels, further illuminating their implications for practical treatment.

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