
V arious studies have reported high rates of relapse following the otherwise highly successful conditioning treatment of childhood enuresis nocturna (Young, 1969). Relapse would seem to be a hazard inherent in this form of treatment, and to be independent of patient variables (Young and Morgan, 1972a). Use of the technique of intermittent reinforcement schedules (Lovibond, 1964; Turner, Young and Rachman, 1970) and of CNS stimulant drugs (Young and Turner, 1965; Turner and Young, 1966) to counteract the problem of relapse have failed to achieve satisfactory results. Young and Morgan (1972b) have demonstrated the success of overlearning therapy in reducing the relapse rate. This regime requires the child to maintain or regain his learned nocturnal bladder control, to a success criterion of 14 consecutive dry nights, while drinking up to 2 pints of liquid in the hour before retiring. The present paper reports the experience gained in the counteraction of relapse by the use of overlearning therapy over approximately 4 yr at the Vale Drive Clinic, at which enuresis is treated by conditioning techniques (Young, 1965; Morgan and Young, 1972).

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