
Fluorescent tracers were injected into different regions of the caudate nucleus and HRP-WGA in the substantia nigra of the cat in order to analyse the thalamic distribution of retrogradely labelled thalamostriatal neurones and anterogradely labelled nigrothalamic terminals within the thalamus. Overlapping thalamic territories between the thalamostriatal neurones projecting to areas of the caudate nucleus and the nigrothalamic connections were observed in the rostral nuclei of the central thalamic group (ventral anterior nucleus, ventral anterior-ventral lateral complex and ventral medial nucleus) and, more restricted, in the rostral (rhomboid, paracentral, ventral lateral, dorsal mediodorsal nuclei) and caudal intralaminar nuclei (centromedian-parafascicular complex). This study provides evidence of the existence of thalamic areas in which the input and output of the basal ganglia converge.

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