
Both physiological and imaging approaches have led to often-disparate conclusions about the organization of taste information in gustatory cortex (GC). In this study, we used neuroanatomical and imaging approaches to delineate the likely area of insular cortex given to gustatory function and to characterize taste responses within this delineated area in female and male C57BL/6J mice. Anterograde tracers were injected into the taste thalamus (the medial parvicellular portion of the ventral posterior medial division, VPMpc) of mice and the thalamic terminal field was investigated across the cortex. Working within the delineated area, we used two-photon imaging to measure basic taste responses in >780 neurons in layer 2/3 located just posterior to the middle cerebral artery. A nonbiased, hierarchical cluster analysis revealed multiple clusters of cells responding best to either individual or combinations of taste stimuli. Taste quality was represented in the activity of taste-responsive cells; however, there was no apparent spatial organization of primary taste qualities in this region.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Recent studies investigating taste coding within the gustatory cortex have reported highly segregated, taste-specific regions containing only narrowly tuned cells responding to a single taste separated by large non-taste-coding areas. However, focusing on the center of this area, we found a large number of taste responsive cells ranging from narrowly to broadly responsive with no apparent local spatial organization. Further, population analysis reveals that activity in the neuronal population in this area appears to be related to measures of taste quality or hedonics.

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