
Low efficiency of interference calculation has become the bottleneck that restricts further development of the performance of evolutionary algorithm for the polygon layout. To solve the problem , in this paper , we pr opose an a lgorithm of calculating overlapping area between two irregular polygons . For this algorithm, at first, two irregular polygon s are respectively decompose d into the minimum number of convex polygons ; afterwards, each pair of the overlapping convex polygons from two resulting partitions is clipped and their overlapping area is calculated. Because t hrough a fast non-overlapping test to all pairs of convex polygons to be clipped , invalid computation is decrease d ; by making use of simple internal vert ex judg ment and shear- transformation based on intersecting test and intersection calculation between a line segment and any convex broken line segment, its speed of clipping overlapping convex polygons is improved . The time complexity analysis and numerical experiments indicate that the performance of our presented algorithm superiors to the existing algorithms.

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