
Evidence is accumulating that an inverse correlation exists between stefin A level and malignant progression. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of stefin A in human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cells and to evaluate the possibility of stefin A for cancer therapy. We stably transfected stefin A cDNA into human EC9706 or KYSE150 esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cells. Subsequently, we evaluated the effect of stefin A overexpression on cell growth, cathepsin B activity, cell motility and invasion, tumor growth, and metastasis. Immunoanalysis was done to assess the expression of factor VIII and to support the localization of stefin A and cathepsin B. We also evaluated the effect of CA074Me, a selective membrane-permeant cathepsin B inhibitor. Both transfection of stefin A and treatment with 10 micromol/L CA074Me significantly reduced cathepsin B activity and inhibited the Matrigel invasion. Combination of both further reduced cathepsin B activity and inhibited the Matrigel invasion. Overexpression of stefin A delayed the in vitro and in vivo growth of cells and significantly inhibited lung metastasis compared with 50% of lung metastasis in xenograft mice from EC9706 or empty vector cells. Transfection with stefin A showed a dramatic reduction of factor VIII staining in the tumors of xenograft mice. Our data strongly indicate that stefin A plays an important role in the growth, angiogenesis, invasion, and metastasis of human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cells and suggest that stefin A may be useful in cancer therapy.

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