
Overexpression of SlPRE3 is detrimental to the photosynthesis and alters plant morphology and root development. SlPRE3 interacts with SlAIF1/SlAIF2/SlPAR1/SlIBH1 to regulate cell expansion. Basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors play crucial roles as regulators in plant growth and development. In this study, we isolated and characterized SlPRE3, an atypical bHLH transcription factor gene. SlPRE3 exhibited predominant expression in the root and moderate expression in the senescent leaves. Comparative analysis with the wild type revealed significant differences in plant morphology in the 35S:SlPRE3 lines. These differences included increased internode length, rolling leaves with reduced chlorophyll accumulation, and elongated yet fewer adventitious roots. Additionally, 35S:SlPRE3 lines displayed elevated levels of GA3 (gibberellin A3) and reduced starch accumulation. Furthermore, utilizing the Y2H (Yeast two-hybrid) and the BiFC (Bimolecular Fluorescent Complimentary) techniques, we identified physical interactions between SlPRE3 and SlAIF1 (ATBS1-interacting factor 1)/SlAIF2 (ATBS1-interacting factor 2)/SlPAR1 (PHYTOCHROME RAPIDLY REGULATED 1)/SlIBH1 (ILI1-binding bHLH 1). RNA-seq analysis of root tissues revealed significant alterations in transcript levels of genes involved in gibberellin metabolism and signal transduction, cell expansion, and root development. In summary, our study sheds light on the crucial regulatory role of SlPRE3 in determining plant morphology and root development.

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