
Mutations in JAK2, c-MPL and CALR have all been identified as drivers of MPN pathogenesis. JAK2 and c-MPL are critical for hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal and differentiation, however CALR's physiologic role in hematopoiesis is unknown. To investigate CALR's role in normal and malignant hematopoiesis lethally irradiated C57B/6 mice were transplanted with bone marrow cells infected with CALRDEL, CALRWT or empty MSCV-IRES-hCD4 vector retrovirus. As expected, mice transplanted with CALRDEL developed thrombocytosis, mice transplanted with CALRWT and empty vector had normal peripheral blood counts. At 6 months post-transplant mice were sacrificed. The percentage of hCD4+ whole bone marrow cells (marks cells expressing gene of interest) was 76.6% for empty vector, 73.1% for CALRWT, and 8.6% for CALRDEL. hCD4+ hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (LKS), common myeloid progenitors (CMP), granulocyte monocyte progenitors (GMP), and megakaryocyte erythroid progenitors (MEP) from empty vector, CALRWT and CALRDEL mice were sorted into methylcellulose supplemented with cytokines (mIL-3, hEPO, and mSCF). MEP from CALRWT mice formed fewer colonies compared to empty vector and CALRDEL (p>0.004). GMP, CMP, and LKS from empty vector, CALRWT and CALRDEL formed equivalent numbers of colonies. To assess self-renewal function colonies were amalgamated and serially replated into methylcellulose at a concentration of 10,000 cells/ml. Upon serial replating CALRWT LKS cells formed fewer colonies compared to CALRDEL and empty vector (p>0.001). To more specifically assess the effect of CALR on HSC self renewal potential whole bone marrow from mice transplanted with CALRDEL, CALRWT or empty MSCV-IRES-GFP (MIG) vector was serially transplanted into lethally irradiated C57B/6 secondary recipient mice and the percentage of GFP-positive cells in the peripheral blood was measured by flow cytometry over time. Mice transplanted with CALRWT bone marrow cells quickly lost GFP positive cells in the peripheral blood over time whereas MIG empty vector and CALRDEL mice retained GFP positive cells for at least 8 months post-transplant.Because mutant CALRDEL interacts with and activates the thrombopoietin receptor (c-MPL) to drive MPN and because the defect in hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal that we observed in mice overexpressing CALRWT is reminiscent of the phenotype of mice lacking c-MPL we hypothesize that CALRWT interacts with c-MPL and negatively affects its function. Using co- immunoprecipitation of Ba/F3 cells doubly transduced with GFP tagged c-MPL and hCD4 tagged empty vector, CALRWT or CALRDEL, we found that CALRWT and CALRDEL interacts with c- MPL.In summary, these data demonstrate that overexpression of CALRWT negatively affects the self-renewal capacity of hematopoietic stem cells, evidenced by impaired ability to reconstitute secondary hosts and reduced serial re-plating ability in methylcellulose. This may be due to CALRWT binding to c-MPL and negatively regulating its function. DisclosuresNo relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

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