
Registered nurses are uniquely positioned to fill shortages in the geropsychiatric healthcare workforce. With training, nurses can coordinate both mental and physical healthcare and deliver mental health interventions. Our objective was to determine how nursing educators are preparing students to care for the mental health needs of older adults and to explore the challenges they face in this effort. This was a qualitative studyusing semi-structured, in-depthinterviews. Participants wereundergraduate psychiatric nursing instructors recruitedfrom schools of nursing in the Northeastern United States. Semistructured interviews focused on challenges and strategies related to preparing nursing students to meet the mental health needs of older patients. Fourteen interviews were conducted. An overarching theme of bias against geropsychiatric care was identified as a challenge for educators. Educators reported that nursing students carry biases against patients with mental illness and older patients. Nursing students indicated negative perceptions of the psychiatric and geriatric nursing specialties. Most nursing students plan to work in nonpsychiatric settings and do not consider mental health a priority for their patients. To overcome these challenges, educators suggested increased exposure and integration. To prepare new nurses to care for the mental health needs of older patients, nursing schools should expose nursing students to older adults in a variety of settings and integrate mental health topics and training throughout the undergraduate nursing curriculum. Nursing schools should evaluate their curricula to ensure that mental health content is prioritized and sufficiently integrated with physical health topics. An increased focus on geropsychiatric and integrated mental health content should be supported by nursing programs and state boards of nursing.

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