
This article examines the problem of institutional development of the Orthodox Church in Subcarpathian Rus' in the second half of 1926. The author examines the diplomatic negotiations between the governments of Czechoslovakia (hereinafter - CSR) and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (hereinafter - KSCS), with the leadership of the Serbian Orthodox Church (hereinafter - SOC) and representatives of the Orthodox communities in Subcarpathian Rus'. Particular attention is paid to the persistent demands of the SOC to preserve its rights to elect and appoint bishops. Based on a study of archival documents, the author established that the government in Prague, following the Austro-Hungarian policy, sought to take control of the selection of candidates and the approval of bishops. The article summarizes new material on the research topic and introduces many documents from the Serbian and Czech archives into scientific circulation. Among them are decisions of the Synod of the SOC, internal correspondence of the Synod with the Council of the SOC, personal correspondence of bishops with the patriarch and leaders of the Orthodox movement in Subcarpathian Rus', diplomatic correspondence between Czechoslovakia and KSCS, secret correspondence sent in Belgrade with the Prague Ministry. The article also examines the critical stages of agreeing on the candidacy of the SOC delegate for Orthodox communities of Serbian jurisdiction in the province, who was instructed to complete the development of the diocesan statute and achieve official recognition of Orthodox in the country. The opinion that the most acceptable candidate for Prague was the sinkel Damaskin (Grdanichka), the ordination of which was postponed by the dignitaries of the SOC, is substantiated. Instead, Bishop Irenaeus (Chirich) of Novosad-Bachka was delegated to Subcarpathian Rus', an experienced church figure who managed to prepare the ground for the institutional completion of the Orthodox Church in the autonomy.

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