
This case report provides data on unique challenges related to amoebiasis diagnostics and treatment in non-endemic regions. The presented case report is focused a 28-year-old male patient of Indian origin, temporarily living in Poland, who was diagnosed with an amoebic liver abscess. The patient presented with a range of non-specific symptoms including shortness of breath, chest pain, and fever. The differential diagnosis included cardio-pulmonary diseases, a range of tropical diseases such as malaria or typhoid fever, bacterial abscesses, and malignancies, necessitating a comprehensive, multi-modal diagnostic approach. This approach included an extensive review of patient history, physical examination, and various laboratory and imaging investigations. A further challenge in this case was the unavailability of standard cysticidal treatments in Poland, which required individualized therapeutic strategy. Despite these obstacles, the patient was successfully treated using an alternative regimen of intravenous metronidazole, ceftriaxone, doxycycline, chloroquine, and finally, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (treatment with metronidazole was used as a base drug, due to the lack of typical cysticidal treatment, an alternative treatment was added: chloroquine is a recommended drug used in the treatment of pregnant patients, in addition, doxycycline showed in vitro activity against Entamoeba histolytica). This therapeutic journey underscored the value of adaptability in treatment protocols, particularly in regions where certain resources may not be readily available. This case report underlines the importance of broadening the differential diagnosis in non-endemic regions to include tropical diseases, particularly in the context of increasing global travel and migration. It also highlights the significance of employing comprehensive diagnostic strategies and adaptable treatment protocols in such scenarios. In addition, the report reiterates the need for global collaboration and education among healthcare providers to effectively manage tropical diseases, especially in non-endemic regions. Through its exploration of the complexities associated with diagnosing and managing amebiasis in a non-endemic region, this report offers valuable insights to clinicians worldwide.

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