
AbstractActive diapirs are commonly observed in sedimentary basins worldwide. Factors controlling overburden deformation processes and patterns during the active rise of active diapirs, such as sediment cohesion and overburden thickness, are not well understood. We have utilised the discrete element numerical simulation method to simulate active diapirism in models comprised of sediments with varying cohesions and roof thicknesses. We found that sediment cohesion can significantly affect overburden deformation with low‐cohesion sediments favouring the generation of a broad, smooth forced fold and a symmetric graben, while high‐cohesion sediments favour the formation of master reverse faults and preferentially uplifted and rotated fault blocks in their hangingwalls in the central crest, with an overall asymmetric structural geometry. Moreover, overburden thickness does not significantly affect structural styles in the overburden. Our results also suggest that the higher the sediment cohesion, the higher the amplitude (the lower the wavelength) of the forced fold above the rising diapir becomes. Our models produced a wide spectrum of deformation structures that resemble those in nature and reveal a strong link between structural styles and sediment diagenesis in the context of active diapir‐piercing sediments with varying degrees of lithification.

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