
5514 Background: DARO is a structurally distinct androgen receptor inhibitor with a favorable safety profile, approved for treating men with nmCRPC after demonstrating significantly prolonged metastasis-free survival, compared with placebo (PBO), in the phase III ARAMIS trial: median 40.4 vs 18.4 months, respectively (HR 0.41; 95% CI 0.34–0.50; P<0.0001). We report final analyses of OS and prospectively collected, patient-relevant secondary endpoints, and updated safety results. Methods: 1509 patients (pts) with nmCRPC were randomized 2:1 to DARO 600 mg twice daily (n=955) or PBO (n=554) while continuing ADT. Secondary endpoints included OS, and times to pain progression, first cytotoxic chemotherapy, and first symptomatic skeletal event. The OS analysis was planned to occur after approximately 240 deaths. Secondary endpoints were evaluated in a hierarchical order. Results: Final analysis was conducted after 254 deaths were observed (15.5% of DARO and 19.1% of PBO patients). After unblinding at the primary analysis, 170 pts crossed over from PBO to DARO. DARO showed a statistically significant OS benefit corresponding to a 31% reduction in the risk of death compared with placebo. All other secondary endpoints were significantly prolonged by DARO (Table), regardless of the effect of crossover and subsequent therapies on survival benefit. Incidences of treatment-emergent adverse events (AEs) with ≥5% frequency were generally comparable between DARO and PBO, similar to the safety profile observed at the primary analysis. Incidences of AEs of interest (including falls, CNS effects, and hypertension) were not increased with DARO compared with PBO when adjusted for treatment exposure. AEs in the crossover group were consistent with those for the DARO treatment arm. Conclusions: DARO showed a statistically significant OS benefit for men with nmCRPC. In addition, DARO delayed onset of cancer-related symptoms and subsequent chemotherapy, compared with PBO. With extended follow-up, safety and tolerability were favorable and consistent with the primary ARAMIS analysis (Fizazi et al, N Engl J Med 2019;380:1235-46). Clinical trial information: NCT02200614 .[Table: see text]

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