
Due to lack of commercial vaccine against the serogroup B (MenB) of Neisseria meningitides, the incidence of meningococcal disease remains high. To solve the issue, transgenic plants are used as bioreactors to produce a plant-derived fHbp subunit vaccine. In this study, the fHbp gene was optimized according to the codon usage bias of Arabidopsis thaliana, synthesized artificially, cloned into an expression vector, driven by a seed-specific promoter, and introduced into A. thaliana by Agrobacterium-mediated floral-dip transformation. Transgenic plants were identified by glufosinate selection, quickstix strips for PAT/bar tests and PCR analysis. The five plants showing higher expression of recombinant fHbp were screened through indirect ELISA. Southern blot analysis showed that the transgenic line rHF-22 had a single-copy integration and the highest expression of fHbp. Recombinant fHbp was purified from seeds of rHF-22 by nitrilotriacetic acid-mediated affinity chromatography, and the purity was 82.5%. BALB/c mice were tested for fHbp vaccine protection from lethal MenB infection, and the relative percent survival was found to be 80%. This study indicates that the recombinant fHbp produced from seeds of rHF-22 is a potential candidate for commercial MenB vaccine. It also provides a reference for safe, cheap and large-scale production of other plant-made vaccines.

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