
The objectives of this prospective cohort study were to characterize associations among genomic merit for fertility with ovarian and endocrine function and the estrous behavior of dairy cows during an entire nonhormonally manipulated estrous cycle. Lactating Holstein cows entering their first (n = 82) or second (n = 37) lactation had ear-notch tissue samples collected for genotyping using a commercial genomic test. Based on genomic predicted transmitting ability values for daughter pregnancy rate (gDPR), cows were classified into high (Hi-Fert; gDPR > 0.6, n = 36), medium (Med-Fert; gDPR -1.3 to 0.6, n = 45), and low fertility (Lo-Fert; gDPR < -1.3, n = 38) groups. At 33 to 39 DIM, cohorts of cows were enrolled in the Presynch-Ovsynch protocol for synchronization of ovulation and initiation of a new estrous cycle. Thereafter, the ovarian function and endocrine dynamics were monitored daily until the next ovulation by transrectal ultrasonography and concentrations of progesterone (P4), estradiol, and FSH. Estrous behavior was monitored with an ear-attached automated estrus detection system that recorded physical activity and rumination time. Overall, we observed an association between fertility group and the ovarian and hormonal phenotype of dairy cows during the estrous cycle. Cows in the Hi-Fert group had greater circulating concentrations of P4 than cows in the Lo-Fert group from d 4 to 13 after induction of ovulation and from day -3 to -1 before the onset of luteolysis. The frequency of atypical estrous cycles was 3-fold greater for cows in the Lo-Fert than the Hi-Fert group. We also observed other modest associations between genomic merit for fertility with the follicular dynamics and estrous behavior. We found several associations between milk yield and parity with ovarian, endocrine, and estrous behavior phenotypes as cows with greater milk yield and in the second lactation were more likely to have unfavorable phenotypes. These results demonstrate that differences in reproductive performance between cows of different genomic merit for fertility classified based on gDPR may be partially associated with circulating concentrations of P4, the incidence of atypical phenotypes during the estrous cycles, and, to a lesser extent, the follicular wave dynamics. The observed physiological and endocrine phenotypes might help explain part of the differences in reproductive performance between cows of superior and inferior genomic merit for fertility.

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