
Ovarian Disorders Treatment in Dairy Cows with Infertility


  • Modern technologies, applied in animal breeding, are associated with stressful factors impact on animals that differ by their character, intensity and duration

  • Since hormonal drugs have reduced efficiency during subsequent indications, homeopathic drugs appear to have a major potencial due to their natural components. These drugs influence on reproductive organs in a natural way, so animals do not develop tolerance and their functions are not inhibited

  • The results of the present study showed that monotherapy for infertility in cows is inefficient, so it is necessary to develop and implement new methods of treatment

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Modern technologies, applied in animal breeding, are associated with stressful factors impact on animals that differ by their character, intensity and duration. Because of worsening of live-stock handling conditions, feeding quality and veterinary care, the number of cows with health issues increases, which inevitably leads to live-stock reproduction rate reduction, and as a result, to decrease of milk yield. High level of extreme factors and conditions impact leads to functional disorders development in cows, in particular, reproductive function disorders. Infertility in breeding stock is the main factor that limits the breeding of dairy live-stock. Damage to farm economics, caused by infertility, is a sum of income losses from acute reduction of milk productivity, under-delivery of calf crop and stranded costs on feeding, handling, care, treatment and numerous infertile inseminations. In dairy live-stock production calf crop per 100 cows is not more than 60-

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