
Ovarian development in females of 10 species of Chrysops ( ater, carbonarius, cuclux, excitans, frigidus, indus, mitis, niger, shermani and vittatus ) from nonhern New England was studied to determine whether these species develop eggs autogenously or anautogenously in the 1st gonotrophic cycle. C. ater and C. mitis were the most abundant species collected. At 7 days postemergence, 83% of 41 C. ater females possessed stage 5 follicles; the remainder had follicles in stages 3 and 4. All 7-day-old C. mitis females (50) developed primary follicles only to stage 1–2 or 2. All field-captured females of both species were parous; however, the low numbers of C. mitis captured suggest that we missed the earlier flight of nullipars. Results indicate that C. ater is autogenous and C. mitis is anautogenous. Our results do not agree with observations on the same species in other pans of their geographic range and we believe that autogenous egg development in these Chrysops species may be facultative, occurring in some areas but not in others.

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