
Differences in reproductive strategies have been found among populations of Salamandra salamandra subspecies in different regions within Europe (Joly et al., 1994). In France, the oocytes of S. s. terrestris begin to accumulate vitellogenin in September, grow until they reach their maximum size, and are ovulated in June. Parturition begins in April and continues during the summer (an annual gestation cycle). On the other hand, S. s. fastuosa in Spain start vitellogenesis during the second year following parturition (a biennial cycle, Joly et al., 1994), whereas in S. s. bernardezi from Spain the females sometimes give birth to post-metamorphic young (Wake, 1993; Dopazo and Alberch, 1994). During the ovarian cycle of the ovoviviparous S. s. infraimmaculata, ovarian size did not change, oogenesis was not synchronic, and oocytes developed year round (Sharon et al., 1997). The ovarian steroid level was related to the reproductive cycle, as progesterone level increased with increased proportion of vitellogenic oocytes and estradiol and testosterone levels increased after parturition (Degani et al., 1997). In northern Israel three areas are inhabited by the same subspecies, S. s. infraimmaculata (Degani, 1986; Veith et al., 1992), separated from each other by 50 km (by air). One population is located in Tel Dan, a mesic habitat with water in springs and streams all year round. The others inhabit more xeric habitats in the

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