
Two Outstanding Student Paper Awards were given in the Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism Section at the AGU Fall Meeting, which was held last December in San Francisco.Florence Garnier, who presented “Geomagnetic Field Intensity Over the Last 42,000 Years Obtained From Core SOH‐4, Big Island Hawaii,” received the French equivalent of an M.S. in Geophysics in July 1993 from the University of Paris 7/Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris. In September 1993, she started a Ph.D. program in paleomagnetism at the Centre des Faibles Radioactivit7eacute;s, Laboratoire mixte CEA‐CNRS, located in Gif‐sur‐Yvette, France. Her research focuses on long‐term changes of the geomagnetic field intensity retrieved from lava sequences of Kilauea, Mauna Loa, and Mauna Kea volcanoes. In this research, which is a joint project between her laboratory and the University of Hawaii, she uses mainly paleomagnetic methods, but also uses radiometric datings.

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