
Golovyanko Zinoviy Stepanovich is an outstanding entomologist well-known in Ukraine and abroad, specialist in insects, which are pests of forest. He is a Doctor of agricultural sciences, Professor. His scientific activity was generally devoted to working out of the measures on creating of pine plantations in the conditions of high number of the roots’ pests, which are largely grubs of May beetle (Melolontha melolontha L., M. hippocastani F.) and July beetle (Polyphillo fullo L.). He revealed that the density of May beetle’s grubs in the soil depends on temperature of this media. Не revealed the capacity of a pine to resist themselves against pests of their roots; this capacity was provided by oleoresin exudation from wounds, which were inflicted by the grubs on roots. He proposed recommendations on pine and deciduous tree species protection from May beetle’s grubs. He developed control measures against scarab beetles grubs for the first time. Z.S. Golovyanko brought the fundamental contribution into solution of the problem on revealing of the factors of population dynamics of bark beetles (Coleopera, Curculionidae: Scolytinae). He had worked out chemical method of forest pests’ control by use of aviation too. The scientific and practical heritage of Z.S. Golovyanko on ecological approach to forest protection from pest organisms is very actual in the present time.

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