
outposts LiteraryLandmarks& Events Kabuki-za Theater Tokyo,Japan Although theGinza district of Tokyo is known mostly for itsupscale shopping centers,depart ment stores, and dining, ifyou're seeking to experience Japanese culture,do not skip this train stop on yourway toUeno Station orHarajuki. Ginza ishome toone of the most famous kabuki theaters in theworld, Kabuki-za Theater. Kabuki, a traditional formof theater, tells Japan's legends and stories through song and dance. The Japanese characters that form theword kabuki literally translateas "sing," "dance," and "skill." These plays have been a notable form of entertainment in Japan for centuries. At theKabuki-za Theater, an excitingblend of traditionalplays and modern staging awaits. Even the theater itselfisdramatic inappearance, adorned with hanging lanternsand painted scenes from theplays. After thebuilding burned down in 1937, it was rebuiltwith modern materials and stage equipment, but itstill resembles the architectural stylingof old Japanese theaters.The all-male cast per forms fourplays at every showing, relaying .tales of emperors, princesses, love, ghosts, shoguns,magic, and battle.At theKabuki-za Theater, the actors performmany variations of thegenre?everything from the classic Osaka-style acting of theold plays toplays first preformed in themid-i90os. A new rotation ofplays is featured eachmonth, sweeping viewers away to the mystical worlds of thekabuki tradition. Kate Long Kate Long recently graduated fromOklahoma Christian University with a bachelor's degree inEnglish and minors in international studies and Spanish. She currentlyworks as a copyeditor forT?te Publishing. ...

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