
The legal framework for the provision of medical care, its evaluation and control of quality in Russia requires the attending physician to strictly comply with the provisions of regulatory documents. At the same time, clinical practice shows that the recommended algorithms for the provision of care do not allow in all situations to provide medical care of adequate quality. Analysis of the clinical example shows that in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to compliance with the established rules, a thorough assessment of a specific clinical situation in the dynamics of development is necessary and timely correction of treatment and diagnostic measures, including those in excess of the established requirements, are required. The methods of remote monitoring of the patients condition need to be improved, since in their current form they do not provide an objective assessment of the patients condition. Face-to-face examinations of patients with COVID-19 receiving medical care at home should be carried out at least every 72 hours, regardless of the result of the remote assessment. The absence of the effect of therapy within three days may be an indication for transferring the patient to a higher level of medical care.

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