
This article considers how postacute care (PAC) facilities such as skilled nursing facilities, inpatient rehabilitation facilities and long-term care hospitals could represent an opportunity for outpatient surgical facilities to improve patient care. In order to understand how these facilities interact with outpatient surgical services, it is first necessary to understand the types of facilities that provide PAC. The significant costs associated with PAC have led to some proposed regulatory changes. Evidence examining postacute costs following total joint replacement has indicated that these costs may be decreased with cooperative efforts between perioperative physicians and PAC facilities. However, the lack of currently published data on the interaction between outpatient surgery and inpatient PAC facilities creates a need to explore how greater cooperation between these types of facilities could lead to improvements in patient care. PAC facilities are inpatient facilities focused on the rehabilitation of patients recovering from an acute illness or surgical intervention. This article seeks to provide ambulatory practitioners a fundamental understanding of PAC as a starting point for future collaborative efforts with PAC facilities; improving care for patients referred to and from PAC facilities for outpatient surgical care.

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