
Finding things that are significantly different from, incomparable with, and inconsistent with the majority of data in many domains is the focus of the important research problem of anomaly detection. A noteworthy research problem has recently been illuminated by the explosion of data that has been gathered. This offers brand-new opportunities as well as difficulties for anomaly detection research. The analysis and monitoring of data connected to network traffic, weblogs, medical domains, financial transactions, transportation domains, and many more are just a few of the areas in which anomaly detection is useful. An important part of assessing the effectiveness of mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) is anomaly detection. Due to difficulties in the associated protocols, MANET has become a popular study topic in recent years. No matter where they are geographically located, users can connect to a dynamic infrastructure using MANETs. Small, powerful, and affordable devices enable MANETs to self-organize and expand quickly. By an outlier detection approach, the proposed work provides cryptographic property and availability for an RFID-WSN integrated network with node counts ranging from 500 to 5000. The detection ratio and anomaly scores are used to measure the system's resistance to outliers. The suggested method uses anomaly scores to identify outliers and provide defence against DoS attacks. The suggested method uses anomaly scores to identify outliers and provide protection from DoS attacks. The proposed method has been shown to detect intruders in a matter of milliseconds without interfering with authorised users' privileges. Throughput is improved by at least 6.8% using the suggested protocol, while Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) is improved by at least 9.2% and by as much as 21.5%.

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