
The outer crust properties of cold nonaccreting neutron stars are studied within the framework of the quark-meson coupling (QMC) model, which includes the effects of modifications of the quark structure inside individual nucleons when they are within a high-density nuclear medium. With a unique set of five well-constrained adjustable parameters, which have a clear physical basis, the QMC model gives predictions for the ground state observables of even-even nuclei which agree with experiment as well as traditional models. Furthermore, it gives improved theoretical values for nuclei thought to play a role in the outer crusts of neutron stars but for which experimental data are not available. Using the latest experimental data tables wherever possible but otherwise the predictions from the QMC model, we construct an equation of state for the outer crust, which is then used within stellar model calculations to obtain an equilibrium sequence of crustal layers, each characterized by a particular neutron-rich nucleus. Various properties of the layers are calculated for a range of neutron-star masses and comparisons are made with alternative equations of state from the literature. This leads to the conclusion that the QMC model successfully predicts the outer crust properties and is fully comparable with the more traditional mass models, which all depend on a larger number of parameters.

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