
The article is devoted to the study of outdoor performative practices of modern theatre. The author substantiates the relevance and significance of the topic of the research determined by the mobile development of modern theatre, which is one of the most important types of contemporary art; a theatre performance is a complex interdisciplinary product, subject to modifications, and which does not receive the final form. The purpose of the study is to identify and analyse the main types of theatre performance, developed in the 20th century in the context of new methods and principles of theatre directing, which extend the idea of modern theatrical performance. The main method of research is an interdisciplinary comparative analysis. It defines a special role for the character - performer and the audience; it is characterised by an epatage conception, the complexity of the media - elements included in the action; it forms a productive audience involved in the action. The historical component of performance - the first practice, its formation as an independent direction, is considered; the most outstanding performances of the last century are indicated. Modern theatrical performances are studied. One of their features is holding the event outside the main theatrical premises, allowing the viewer to fully and newly immerse themselves in the theatrical "process" through innovative digital technologies, which are now used everywhere. Another feature is the exit of the narrative method from the traditional textbook format. The author notes that the human body has remained the main expressive means of performance, bringing it closer to the choreographic art, which, like dance, is often devoid of words. Gaining the status of a theatrical form in the 70s, performance goes to a higher level of scenario with a more well-designed structure. However, the peculiarity of performance is its eclectic and experimental character. It easily fits into the multimedia format of Internet platforms. It is concluded that throughout its development, performance as a type of theatrical performance, required a new type of dramaturgical and directorial thinking from the authors-creators. It is argued that the new cultural product offered to the modern viewer gives the recipient (viewer) the opportunity to look at theatrical art from a different angle. Thus, the initiators of such projects manage to "hook" the viewer's attention to this product.

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