
Total mesorectal excision (TME) remains the standard of care for patients with rectal cancer who have an incomplete response to total neoadjuvant therapy (TNT). A minority of patients will refuse curative intent resection. The aim of this study is to examine the outcomes for these patients. A retrospective cohort study of stage 1-3 rectal adenocarcinoma patients who underwent neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy or TNT at a single institution. Patients either underwent TME, watch-and-wait protocol, or if they refused TME, were counseled and watched (RCW). Clinical outcomes and resource utilization were examined in each group. One hundred seventy-onepatients (Male 59%) were included with a median surveillance of 43 months. Twenty-ninepatients (17%) refused TME and had shortened overall survival (OS). Twelvepatients who refused TME converted to a complete clinical response (cCR) on subsequent staging with a prolonged OS. 92% of these patients had a near cCR at initial staging endoscopy. Increased physician visits and testing was utilized in RCW and WW groups. A significant portion of patients convert to cCR and have prolonged OS. Lengthening the time to declare cCR may be considered in select patients, such as those with a near cCR at initial endoscopic staging.

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