
AbstractBackground: Isolated patellofemoral arthritis remains arelatively uncommon but challenging condition to be treatedPatellofemoral arthroplasty (PFA) is an alternative to TotalKnee Arthroplasty (TKA) for patients with recalcitrant isolatedpatellofemoral arthritis.Aim of Study: Prospective comparative study.Patients and Methods: Fifty eight (n=58) knees of 48patients with isolated patellofemoral osteoarthritis, and dividedinto 2 groups group A with conservative management, GroupB with surgical management. Perioperative circumstances ofperioperative complications, operating room time, bloodtransfusion requirements and length of hospital stay werereported.Post-operative evaluation was done via WOMAC Score,Oxford Knee Score, and global ROM.Results: The average Oxford score showed that the surgicalmanagement had better Oxford score than that of conservativemanagement during the early follow-up up to one year. Thesurgical management had better ROM than that of conservativemanagement. The surgical management had better WOMACscore than that of conservative management during the entirefollow-up.Conclusion: Patellofemoral arthroplasty in treatment ofpatellofemoral arthritis has a good clinical and radiologicaloutcome. It is associated with few or minor post-operativecomplications.

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