
This prospective study assessed outcomes in patients undergoing a deep-plane face lift and other simultaneous facial cosmetic procedures. It is the first prospective outcome study to assess and compare these patients and provide data on patient satisfaction and quality of life—the most important determinants of surgical success. From 2002 to 2007, in-person interviews were conducted with 93 patients who attended a follow-up appointment at least 1 month after surgery from a total of 122 consecutive patients treated with a deep-plane face lift and other facial rejuvenation procedures (response rate, 76 percent). Questions were asked in six categories: patient data, indications, recovery, results, complications, and psychological effects. Responses were analyzed in four groups: face lift alone; face lift and blepharoplasties; face lift and forehead lift; and face lift, blepharoplasties, and endoscopic forehead lift. The average subjective reduction in apparent age was 11.9 years (range, 0 to 27.5 years). Seventy-seven patients (82.8 percent) reported an improvement in self-esteem, and 64 patients (69.6 percent) reported an improved quality of life. There was no significant correlation between result rating and procedure groups, age, gender, smoking history, previous face lift, body mass index, or the occurrence of a complication. Despite a significant recovery period, patient satisfaction was high, with 96.7 percent of patients reporting a more youthful appearance after surgery. Scar dissatisfaction was rare (2.2 percent). With proper patient preparation and education, facial rejuvenation effectively meets patient expectations. These findings support the recommendation of surgical facial rejuvenation to patients who wish to look younger.

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