
In June 2023, severe leaf spots were noted in Populus × euramericana cv 'Nanlin95' plantations located in the Nanjing Baguazhou Wetland Park (32°09'16.97″N, 118°48'16.74″E) of Jiangsu Province and Populus × canadensis cv 'Sacrau 79' and Populus × canadensis cv 'Guariento' in the Liyuan Village in Nanyang City (32°53'43.70″N, 112°17'29.12″E) of Henan Province, respectively. The disease incidence in both locations could reach 97.9% (556 out of 568 trees) and 98.9% (2409 out of 2436 trees), respectively. The initial symptoms appear as numerous small and circular spots (1.59 to 3.18 mm in diameter) with gray or tan centers and dark-brown margins on the leaves. As the spots age, they sometimes enlarge, often coalesce, and may extend down the petioles. Diseased leaves and petioles were both surface sterilized with 75% ethanol for 30 seconds. With the aid of a hand lens, pycnidia (brown to black, spherical in profile, 90 to 250 µm diam) were easily picked out in the center of the spots and subsequently transferred into 1 mL sterilized water for preparing the spore suspension plated on KV8 medium amended with 100 mg/liter streptomycin sulfate and 50 mg/liter chloramphenicol. After 12 days of incubation, 86 single-spore isolates were obtained and identified as typical Septoria-like fungi according to morphological features, including slow-growing, gray or black colonies with pink mucilaginous matrix and hyaline, straight or curved conidia (size = 25 to 59 × 3.5 to 4 μm; septa = 1 to 6). Species identification was further validated by PCR amplification and sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region with ITS1/ITS4 primer pairs. Multiple sequence alignments with ClustalW revealed that the obtained ITS sequences of 86 isolates were 100% identical to each other. A BLAST search in GenBank indicated that the selfsame sequences of two representative isolates (isolate BGZ11 of Jiangsu Province, accession no. OR660379; isolate KZB22 of Henan Province, accession no. OR711499) shared 99.8% identity (494 of 495 bp) and 100% identity (504 of 504 bp) with related sequences of Sphaerulina musiva (Peck) Quaedvlieg, Verkley, and Crous (syn. = Septoria musiva Peck) in GenBank (MN275187; KF251619), respectively. Furthermore, we used a S. musiva-specific PCR assay (Abraham et al. 2018) on symptomatic leaf samples collected from the plantation. Each sample consisted of 20 cut-out leaf spots per leaf. Eight of the 10 samples were positive for S. musiva DNA. To confirm pathogenicity, six sterile tissue culture of poplar plants (Populus trichocarpa and Populus × euramericana cv 'Nanlin895') were respectively transplanted into pots and grown in a greenhouse for a week and for a month with an 18-h photoperiod augmented with sodium lamps and a 20°C (day)/16°C (night) temperature regime. Inoculations were conducted by spraying the plants with conidia suspension (106 conidia/mL) (LeBoldus et al. 2010). Control plants were sprayed with distilled water. Leaf spots were developed on the inoculated P. trichocarpa leaves at one week and P. × euramericana cv 'Nanlin895' leaves at 10 days after inoculation while no symptoms were observed on the control plants. The fungus S. musiva was successfully reisolated from all symptomatic leaves fulfilling Koch's postulates. Sphaerulina musiva only causes an endemic leaf spot disease on its natural North American host Populus. deltoides (Feau et al. 2010; Ostry 1987). However, on susceptible Populus species (e.g., P. balsamifera, P. trichocarpa, P. maximowiczii) and hybrids, S. musiva causes not only leaf spots but also severely damaging stem and branch cankers (Jeger et al. 2018; LeBoldus et al. 2009; Sondreli et al. 2020). To our knowledge, this is the first report of S. musiva causing leaf spots on poplar in China. Large-scale timber imports (e.g., cut branches, isolated bark, wood with and without bark) potentially lead to anthropogenic-facilitated transport of this pathogen. This outbreak of Septoria leaf spot underscores the potential threat of this pathogen to P. × euramericana in China, where it is widely planted as a keystone forestry species.

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