
We study the effects of symmetry-breaking perturbations in the out-of-equilibrium quantum dynamics of many-body systems slowly driven by a time-dependent symmetry-preserving parameter, across the quantum critical regime associated with a continuous quantum transition (CQT). For this purpose, we analyze the out-of-equilibrium dynamics arising from generalized Kibble-Zurek (KZ) protocols, within a dynamic renormalization-group framework allowing for finite-size systems. We show that the time dependence of generic observables develops an out-of-equilibrium finite-size scaling (FSS) behavior, arising from the interplay between the timescale ${t}_{s}$ of the parameter variations in the KZ protocol, the size $L$ of the system, and the strength $h$ of the symmetry-breaking perturbation, in the limit of large ${t}_{s}$ and $L$. Moreover, scaling arguments based on the first-order adiabatic approximation of slow variations in quantum systems allow us to characterize the approach to the adiabatic regimes for some limits of the model parameters (for example, when we take ${t}_{s}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\ensuremath{\infty}$ before $L\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\ensuremath{\infty}$), predicting asymptotic power-law suppressions of the nonadiabatic behaviors in the adiabatic limits. This out-of-equilibrium FSS is supported by numerical analyses for the paradigmatic quantum Ising chain along generalized KZ protocols, with a time-dependent transverse field crossing its CQT, in the presence of a static longitudinal field breaking the ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$ symmetry.

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