
“Out of Egypt I called My Son” is a quotation from Hosea. Matthew’s use of it as a ‘direct prophecy’ is considered problematic by some scholars for Hosea wrote it as a merely historical reflection. How should we resolve this problem? Typological approach might be the best way to understand it by which consideration of the events around Jesus’ birth as the fullest expression of divinely intended fulfillments of Old Testament “prophecies” is possible. The evangelist presents double typologies: on one hand, he retrospectively refers to the exodus of Israel and applies it to “new exodus” through Jesus, but on the other hand, he refers to Moses and presents discontinuity and continuity of the divine work of salvation in the person of Jesus. He highlights the Mosaic aspect of Jesus’ divine sonship which underlines further his presentation of Jesus as David’s son (1:1) and his messianic and royal role in the coming of the Kingdom of God (4:17).


  • Sejarah ArtikelABSTRAK “Dari Mesir Kupanggil Anak-Ku” adalah kutipan dari kitab Nabi Hosea

  • In the birth narrative of Jesus, we read the story of the flight of the infant Jesus to Egypt and his return to the land of Israel (Matt 2:13-23)

  • The word “son” can only be understood by readers only on the basis of traditional Jewish knowledge. Either they understand it in the sense of Israel as God’ son (Exod 4:22) whom God has called out of Egypt (Hos 11:1), and connect it with Israel typology in which exodus is repeated and fulfilled in Jesus; or they remember that the son of David, the Messiah, will be God’s son as a king of David’s throne (Jewish-messianic hope)

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Sejarah Artikel

ABSTRAK “Dari Mesir Kupanggil Anak-Ku” adalah kutipan dari kitab Nabi Hosea. Penggunaan teks ini sebagai suatu ‘nubuat langsung’ oleh Matius dianggap bermasalah mengingat Hosea. Pendekatan tipologis mungkin adalah cara terbaik untuk memahaminya di mana peristiwa-peristiwa seputar kelahiran Yesus bisa dimengerti sebagai ekspresi penuh dari pemenuhan “nubuat-nubuat” Perjanjian Lama sesuai kehendak Allah. Kata-kata Kunci: Keluar dari Mesir, Keluaran, Musa, Yesus, Putra Ilahi, Tipologi, Israel, Anak Sulung. Menghadirkan tipologi ganda: di satu pihak, dia merujuk pada ‘eksodus’ bangsa Israel dari Mesir dan mengaplikasikannya pada “eksodus baru” lewat Yesus; sementara itu, di pihak lain, ia merujuk pada Musa untuk menggarisbawahi diskontinuitas sekaligus kontinuitas karya keselamatan Allah dalam diri Yesus. Penginjil Matius menggarisbawahi dimensi Mosaik dari designasi Yesus sebagai. Putera Allah sekaligus melengkapi penegasan sebelumnya tentang Yesus sebagai Putera Daud (1:1) dan peranan mesianik-Nya dalam kedatangan Kerajaan Allah (4:17)

The Flight to Egypt
Quotation problems
Typological approach
Exodus Typology
Moses Typology?
Full Text
Paper version not known

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