
RECENT BRILLIANT FIREBALLS.—Mr. W. F. Denning writes:—A brilliant Quadrantid passed horizontally, with a slow motion and long course, along the W. heavens on January 6, 8h. 40m. Other fine meteors were noticed on January 7, 9h 27m.; on January 11, 5h. 30m., 7h. 4om., 8h. 11m.; January 13, 9h. 48m.; January 17, 8h. 20m.; January 19, 5h. 50m., 7h. 50m., &c. But the most striking object of all was that of January 11, 8h. 11m., and a large number of descriptions of the appearance and position of this brilliant visitor have come to hand. From these I have worked out the real path as follows:—Height, 58 to 29 miles over Llandovery to Usk, South Wales; length of path, 52 miles; velocity per second, 13 miles; radiant point, 332°+36°; earth point, Chippenham, Wilts. The meteor was estimated by Mr. H. Chapman, of Newtown, N. Wales, as brighter than the full moon, and it gave two flashes of sufficient intensity to light up the firmament and terrestrial objects for several seconds. The meteor moved slowly from a radiant in the western sky. Several of the observers describe the motion as undulatory, as though the object o experienced some difficulty in penetrating our dense atmosphere. The radiant point is not conformable with that of any known meteoric shower, but it falls in the same place as that of an active stream or streams visible in the months of July, August, and September.

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