
THE GREATER NEBULA OF ORION.—The numerous photographs that have been taken by means of portrait lenses during the past few years, go to show that many of the so-called celestial spaces are really filled with filmy nebulosities. Dr. Roberts's classical photograph greatly extended the limits of the old Theta nebula in Orion, but few astronomers would care to say that it represents the great “tumultous cloud” in its entirety. Indeed, three photographs obtained by Prof. W. H. Pickering in 1889, with a portrait lens, revealed a large zone of nebulosity surrounding the belt and sword handle, and extending towards γ Orionis. The significance of these photographs has perhaps been somewhat overlooked, but attention is again directed to them by a paper communicated by Prof. E. E. Barnard to Astronomy and Astro-Physics for December. By means of a lens only 1½ inches in diameter and 3½ inches focus, Prof. Barnard has recently taken two photographs of the Orion constellation (for the lens takes in nearly the whole constellation at one view), with exposures of two hours and one hour fifteen minutes respectively. These pictures show “an enormous curved nebulosity encircling the belt and the great nebula, and covering a large portion of the body of the giant.” Without doubt, the nebulous stream which has left its impression upon Prof. Barnard's photographs, is the same as that of which the existence was recorded by Prof. Pickering. The “Great Nebula” in Orion is therefore but a pigmy compared with the greater nebula thus revealed. It is not too much to believe that in a few years the immense band of nebulosity will be shown to be more or less filled with luminous haze, the old nebula being probably but the brightest part of a nebula involving the whole constellation.

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