
THE STAFF AT THE LICK OBSERVATORY.—We are sorry to notice the very considerable changes that are now taking place in the staff at the Lick Observatory. It seems only quite recently that Prof. Keeler tendered his resignation to take over the directorship of the Allegheny Observatory, but now We hear that Mr. Burnham has resigned, and that Prof. Henry Crew has done the same, the former having accepted a position of clerk in one of the courts of Chicago, and the latter having been elected to a Professorship of Physics in the North-Western University at Evanstown, III. With the loss of these men the observatory will be crippled for some time; for, although very good men will be found to take their places, a thorough acquaintance with the instruments can be obtained only bv constant and frequent practice. Of the remainder of the staff Mr. Barnard and Mr. Schaeberle will be the only representatives, of the older members. What the cause of these changes is we do not know, but there seem to be signs of a little friction somewhere, for what is the probability that three men should sever their connection with such an observatory in the space of a year—assuming, of course, normal conditions?

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