
The suitability of scales for ageing Micropterus salmoides was determined by comparing the precision of growth zone counts on scales with those obtained from sectioned sagittal otoliths from a sample of 496 fish collected from Wriggleswade and Mankazana Impoundments in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Otoliths (1.4% rejected) were more readable than scales (41.7% and 7.5% rejected) for Wriggleswade and Mankazana Impoundments respectively. Otolith readings were more precise (average percentage error (APE) = 13.6%; coefficient of variation (CV) = 15.8%) than scales (APE = 18.0%; CV = 21.9%) for the total sample. Growth zone counts between structures were not symmetrically distributed around the agreed ages (otolith age = scale age) of the fish from Wriggleswade Impoundment (Bowker's test H2: χ2= 136, d.f. = 27, P < 0.05) and graphical comparison showed that scales tended to underestimate age, particularly for fish older than five years. Scales are therefore not suitable structures for ageing South African M....

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