
Event Abstract Back to Event Otolith shape analysis of the austral sardine (Sprattus fuegensis) in the Patagonian inner sea of Chile. Sandra Curin-Osorio1 and Luis A. Cubillos1* 1 Universidad de Concepción, Oceanografía, Chile The austral sardine has an extensive distribution within inner and outer waters along fiords, channels, and the continental shelf of the Chilean Patagonia, from Puerto Montt to Tierra del Fuego and extending to southern Argentina. With the aim of determining differences in morphology and shape of sagittal otoliths of the austral sardine, samples were obtained from inner waters of Chiloé (42ºS-43ºS), Aysén (44ºS-46ºS), Punta Arenas (54ºS), and from Argentinian waters. Traditional morphometry analysis considered length, width, area, perimeter, and size-based shape descriptors of otoliths. Instead, geometric morphometry was an outline otolith analysis on the basis of elliptic Fourier descriptors through multivariate statistical methods. Both approached showed intraspecific variability in otolith shape of austral sardine, with otoliths from inner waters of Chiloé statistically differenced from the Aysén Region, but with an important degree of mix between zones. Otoliths from Punta Arenas were excluded from the study because they were smaller, without the outline characteristic of the adult specimens. The sagittal otolith from inner waters of Chiloé exhibited an elliptical shape, defined rostrum, and concave antirostrum, while otoliths from the Aysén Región showed rounded shape along the dorsal and ventral borders, without defined postrostrum and antirostrum. The otolith rostrum of specimens from inner waters of Chiloé was very well defined, being this the main morphological trait generating differences with the rest of the zones. Acknowledgements We thank to the support for this research, which was provided by "Fondo de Investigación Pesquera" (FIP) de Chile (http://www.fip.cl) (Chilean Fisheries Research Fund) through the research project FIP 2010-17. We thank to R Galleguillos (UdeC), who leaded the research project, and also to the technicians Germán Vásquez and Roberto Torres, who collected otoliths on board of fishing boats. Keywords: Shape Analysis, population structure, Patagonia, pelagic fish, Sagittal otolith Conference: XV European Congress of Ichthyology, Porto, Portugal, 7 Sep - 11 Sep, 2015. Presentation Type: Oral Presentation Topic: Otoliths as a tool to study fish life cycles Citation: Curin-Osorio S and Cubillos LA (2015). Otolith shape analysis of the austral sardine (Sprattus fuegensis) in the Patagonian inner sea of Chile.. Front. Mar. Sci. Conference Abstract: XV European Congress of Ichthyology. doi: 10.3389/conf.fmars.2015.03.00050 Copyright: The abstracts in this collection have not been subject to any Frontiers peer review or checks, and are not endorsed by Frontiers. They are made available through the Frontiers publishing platform as a service to conference organizers and presenters. The copyright in the individual abstracts is owned by the author of each abstract or his/her employer unless otherwise stated. Each abstract, as well as the collection of abstracts, are published under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 (attribution) licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) and may thus be reproduced, translated, adapted and be the subject of derivative works provided the authors and Frontiers are attributed. For Frontiers’ terms and conditions please see https://www.frontiersin.org/legal/terms-and-conditions. Received: 09 Nov 2015; Published Online: 10 Nov 2015. * Correspondence: Dr. Luis A Cubillos, Universidad de Concepción, Oceanografía, Concepción, Region del Bio Bio, 4070386, Chile, lucubillos@udec.cl Login Required This action requires you to be registered with Frontiers and logged in. To register or login click here. Abstract Info Abstract Supplemental Data The Authors in Frontiers Sandra Curin-Osorio Luis A Cubillos Google Sandra Curin-Osorio Luis A Cubillos Google Scholar Sandra Curin-Osorio Luis A Cubillos PubMed Sandra Curin-Osorio Luis A Cubillos Related Article in Frontiers Google Scholar PubMed Abstract Close Back to top Javascript is disabled. Please enable Javascript in your browser settings in order to see all the content on this page.

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