
Otolith morphology and microstructure of the sagitta are described in the mass tropical species manybar goatfish Parupeneus multifasciatus. The hatch check is absent on the sagitta, and the appearance of the first contrasting increment is connected with the transition of the larva to exogenous feeding. The increments are distributed within several concentric zones, and each zone is separated by more pronounced dark areas (in transmitted light) of the increments (checks). The number of increments within a zone is variable; and the modal group (with the exception of the first zone from the primordium to the first check) includes from six to ten increments. In the juveniles, the periodicity of increment formation on the sagitta ranges from 3 in a day, but it is close to one increment per day in the individuals larger than 86 mm FL and 11 g in weight. The number of increments deposited in a day does not depend on the growth rate or feeding frequency of the juveniles.

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