
The relationship between morphometric characters (length, weight and height) of otolith and fish standard length was determined for six intertidal gobiid species from the northern Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. A total of 144 sagittal otoliths were extracted and anlysed from Periophthalmus waltoni, Boleophthalmus dussumieri, Scartelaos tenuis, Istigobius ornatus, Bathygobius meggitti and Trypauchen vagina. Regression equations were derived and found that there is no significant difference in regression coefficients between left and right otoliths of the species studied. Results of the study showed that otolith length (OL) and height (OH) could estimate standard length in all the species studied except in T. vagina, where the otolith weight gave the best estimate of standard length. Results clearly indicated that otolith dimensions of the gobiid fishes studied could provide information about the species and size.

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