
Almost all Muslims agree that an authenticprophetic tradition (h}adîth) is that which comes directly fromthe Prophet. A tradition such as this—like the Qur’ân—isreliable in terms of its chain of narration and message.Hence, it brings legal and moral implication for the Muslimsto apply in their daily life. In the science of prophetictradition, such tradition is called d}arûrî, literally meanscompulsory in the sense that it necessitates Muslims tocomply. Different sort of view however, is being introducedby an orientalist named G.H.A. Juynboll. He comes up withan entirely different view concerning an authentic prophetictradition both in terms of its category and definition. Hereckons that there is no such thing as an authentic prophetictradition. Every prophetic tradition is vague, and fallstherefore under the category of being inauthentic. This paperis interested in dealing critically with this controversial viewby giving particular attention to four ma

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