
We have used a minimally invasive technique for fixation of trochanteric fractures since 2003. We use the percuntaneous compression plate described by Gotfried. We describe here the osteosynthsis technique and our special approach which limits operative time. This technique avoids wide opening of the aponeurosis of the tensor fascia lata, major detachment, and section of the vastus lateralis. The plate is inserted via a 2-cm incision over the greater trochanter. Head and shaft screws are inserted via a second incision measuring 3 to 4 cm. Perfect reduction before plate insertion is the key to success. The results of our first twenty cases have demonstrated an uneventful postoperative period and a short operative time of 25 minutes on average. Peri-operative bleeding has been very limited. Radiographic healing was obtained in three months. Weight bearing was possible immediately after fixation in five cases and was delayed in fifteen. There were two early displacements which were analyzed.

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