
We present a case series of three patients with manubriosternal dislocation and/or sternal fractures. We describe our experiences of invasive surgical treatment with 3.5/4.0 mm fixed-angle plate (Locking compression plate, LCP) in this group of patients. Recommended nonoperative treatment options, e.g. correction tape or plaster bandage, symptomatic pain treatment, application of ice, and several weeks without sports are associated with a not inconsiderable rate of subluxations or reluxations with an increased risk of pseudarthrosis and chronic pain syndrome. Due to a small number of cases and the lack of controlled studies, a standardized operative procedure could, therefore, so far not been established. Our positive experiences with the operative treatment using 3.5/4.0 mm fixed-angle plate (LCP) may help to establish the operative procedure of first choice in this group of patients.

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