
Osteogenic sarcoma of the skull is rare whether of spontaneous origin or following irradiation. In fact, it is almost unknown after irradiation of the skull or intracranial contents in any period of life. As a p r imary development, not associated with irradiation, it is also extremely rare, part icularly in the later decades of life and in individuals who do not have an associated Paget ' s disease of the skull. The pat ient in the present report did not have Paget ' s disease of the skull, was 57 years of age a t the t ime of death, and, 6 years after the beginning of roentgen-ray therapy for a verified chromophobe pi tui tary adenoma, had an osteogenic sarcoma of the skull, which was verified a t necropsy. The case report is accompanied by photomicrographs of the pi tui tary tumor and also several of the osteogenic sarcoma of the skull. I t is believed worthy of report because of its rar i ty and interest, and also to stress the importance of irradiating intracranial structures or neoplasms therein only when such therapy seems definitely or strongly indicated, as there always would appear to be a slight chance, and potential danger at least, of osteogenic sarcoma developing in the overlying skull when such roentgen therapy is carried out.

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