
The petrotympanic fissure, a narrow slit in the temporal bone, allows the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the middle ear to communicate. Both the chorda tympani and the ligament cross the fissure between the posterior region of the joint disk and the malleolar ossicle. The parasympathetic fibers of the chorda tympani spread into the major salivary glands and are responsible for the taste sensibility on the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. After chronological identification of 30 human skulls, petrotympanic fissures were macroscopically and stereomicroscopically analyzed for the presence and disposition of ossification areas. Digitalized images were analyzed using computer program UTHSCSA ImageTool 3.0 (developed by the Department of Dental Diagnostic Science at The University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas). The total extension of the fissures and ossification areas was measured. The macroscopic analysis did not constitute an appropriated method for this evaluation and the ossification of the fissures increased with aging, suggesting its influence on the causes of otalgia in cases of TMJ dysfunction.

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