
The structures of the 3s23p 2P0 ground state and of a number of excited states for aluminum and ions along the isoelectronic sequence up to Ca VIII have been calculated in the Multiconfiguration Optimized Potential Model. The excited states include the following: 3s23d 2D, 3s24s 2S, 3s3p2 2D, 2S, as well as 3s24p, 3p3 and 3s3p(3P0)3d 2P0. There is strong configuration mixing in the spectroscopic terms but on the basis of our calculations we recommend a different designation from that currently adopted for the 3p3 and 3s3p(3P0)3d 2P0 terms. Oscillator strengths for transitions among these terms have been calculated in the length and velocity formulation with particular emphasis on accurate description in the vicinity of term crossings. Comparison is made with other theory and with experiment where results are available. At present, the experimental data are inadequate to verify the many calculated structures in the isoelectronic gf dependence.

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