
Line oscillator strengths in 16 electric dipole-allowed bands of 14N2 in the 93.5-99.5 nm (106,950-100,500 cm(-1)) region have been measured at an instrumental resolution of 6.5 x 10(-4) nm (0.7 cm(-1)). The transitions terminate on vibrational levels of the 3psigma 1Sigma u (+), 3ppi 1Pi u, and 3ssigma 1Pi u Rydberg states and of the b' 1Sigma u (+) and b 1Pi u valence states. The J dependences of band f values derived from the experimental line f values are reported as polynomials in J'(J'+1) and are extrapolated to J'=0 in order to facilitate comparisons with results of coupled-Schrodinger-equation calculations that do not take into account rotational interactions. Most bands in this study reveal a marked J dependence of the f values and/or display anomalous P-, Q- and R-branch intensity patterns. These patterns should help inform future spectroscopic models that incorporate rotational effects, and these are critical for the construction of realistic atmospheric radiative transfer models. Linewidth measurements are reported for four bands. Information provided by the J dependences of the experimental linewidths should be of use in the development of a more complete understanding of the predissociation mechanisms in N2.

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