
In this work, the adsorption dynamics of mixed aqueous solutions of tetraethyleneglycol monoocthyl ether (C8E4) - dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) were studied using sessile bubble surface tensiometry. When C8E4 was added to the DTAB solution, the dynamic surface tension exhibited a unique oscillation decay pattern. In contrast, the addition of DTAB to the C8E4 solution resulted in a simple monotonic decay of the surface tension. The same trend was observed for mixtures of tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide (TTAB) and DTAB. The occurrence of two distinguishable dynamic surface tension behaviors showed reasonable similarity with the theory of the adsorption kinetics of polymer solutions, where the surface tension oscillation was caused by the delayed desorption of polymers due to the conformational change at the solution surface. We compared the dynamic surface tension of binary surfactant systems and the polymer solution theory, and discussed the origin of surface tension oscillations based on the difference in the surface activity of the surfactants.

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