
ABSTRACT The dynamic evolution of galactic bars in standard ΛCDM models is dominated by angular momentum loss to the dark matter haloes via dynamical friction. Traditional approximations to dynamical friction are formulated using the linearized collisionless Boltzmann equation and have been shown to be valid in the fast limit, i.e. for rapidly slowing bars. However, the linear assumption breaks down within a few dynamical periods for typical slowly evolving bars, which trap a significant amount of disc stars and dark matter in resonances. Recent observations of the Galactic bar imply this slow regime at the main bar resonances. We formulate the time-dependent dynamical friction in the slow limit and explore its mechanism in the general slow regime with test-particle simulations. Here, angular momentum exchange is dominated by resonantly trapped orbits which slowly librate around the resonances. In typical equilibrium haloes, the initial phase-space density within the trapped zone is higher at lower angular momentum. Since the libration frequency falls towards the separatrix, this density contrast winds up into a phase-space spiral, resulting in a dynamical friction that oscillates with ∼Gyr periods and damps over secular time-scales. We quantify the long-term behaviour of this torque with secular perturbation theory, and predict two observable consequences: (i) The phase-space spirals may be detectable in the stellar disc where the number of windings encodes the age of the bar. (ii) The torque causes weak oscillations in the bar’s pattern speed, overlaying the overall slowdown – while not discussed, this feature is visible in previous simulations.

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