
Cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) domains have been identified in a wide range of proteins of unrelated functions such as, metabolic enzymes, kinases and channels, and usually occur as tandem re-peats, often in combination with other domains. In plants, CBS Domain-Containing Proteins (CDCPs) form a multi-gene family and only a few are so far been reported to have a role in development via regu-lation of thioredoxin system as well as in abiotic and biotic stress response. However, the function of majority of CDCPs still remains to be elucidated in plants. Here, we report the cloning, characterization and functional validation of a CBS domain containing protein, OsCBSCBSPB4 from rice, which pos-sesses two CBS domains and one PB1 domain. We show that OsCBSCBSPB4 encodes a nucleo-cytoplasmic protein whose expression is induced in response to various abiotic stress conditions in salt-sensitive IR64 and salt-tolerant Pokkali rice cultivars. Further, heterologous expression of OsCBSCB-SPB4 in E. coli and tobacco confers marked tolerance against various abiotic stresses. Transgenic tobac-co seedlings over-expressing OsCBSCBSPB4 were found to exhibit better growth in terms of delayed leaf senescence, profuse root growth and increased biomass in contrast to the wild-type seedlings when subjected to salinity, dehydration, oxidative and extreme temperature treatments. Yeast-two hybrid stud-ies revealed that OsCBSCBSPB4 interacts with various proteins. Of these, some are known to be in-volved in abiotic stress tolerance. Our results suggest that OsCBSCBSPB4 is involved in abiotic stress response and is a potential candidate for raising multiple abiotic stress tolerant plants.

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